Hilltop, Childcare Centre


Hilltop Contact Details:

Childcare Leader: Bernadette Shaw Shanahan
Hilltop, Killenaule, Co. Tipperary, E41WC84
Contact Number: 052 9156888
Email Address: hilltopcc@respond.ie

Hilltop After-School has been opened since 2002 and caters for children aged 6yrs – 12 years. Our hours are from 2pm-6.30pm from Monday to Friday. Children are collected each day by two members of staff from 2.00pm & 3.00pm. At Hilltop we provide a homework club, lunch, outdoor and indoor activities that are age appropriate and stimulating for the children that attend. All staff recently completed HighScope training for more details please click here.

We currently have 28 children enrolled in the Hilltop After-School. We work very closely with our local community and local nursing home where the children visit and entertain the residents with their choir. Throughout the year we ask various members of our society to speak to the children about various topics deemed appropriate e.g. Garda on topics such as bulling and the fire service on the dangers of fire etc..We also provide a Summer School for the month of July. If your require any further information please do not hesitate to contact Berni at the contact number above.