Blooming Gorgeous at Townspark Community Garden

To celebrate the success of the community garden at Townspark,  the Residents Association, in partnership..

Townspark 2To celebrate the success of the community garden at Townspark,  the Residents Association, in partnership with Respond, are hosting a ‘Garden Party’ in the Community Garden on Saturday June 20th.

Residents are invited to bring along their planters, window boxes, hanging baskets etc. and have them filled. Attendees will be given advice on the care of plants to keep them ‘Blooming Gorgeous’ throughout the Summer.

Townspark 1

Townspark 3
The event will launch the Community Greenhouse and hopes to establish a Gardening Club on the estate.

If anyone is interested in being part of a Gardening Club at Townspark please ring David on 051-840200.