Declan Dunne Respond CEO, Deputy Mary Butler, Minister Jim Daly, Mayor Pat Nugent, Donal Connolly, Waterford Age Friendly Alliance
On Friday 5th December, the Minister of State with special responsibility for Mental Health and Older People, Jim Daly TD officially launched the Waterford Age Friendly Alliance City and County Strategy 2017-2022 in John’s College. During the visit, Minister Daly viewed all of the information stands and talked to the residents of John’s College while touring the facilities on the campus.
The Minister also had time to drop in to Dermot Power and was highly impressed with the views of Waterford City from the apartment. Eleanor Gaffney and the John’s College Choir added some festive cheer to the occasion with a magnificent performance and nobody went home disappointed.
The Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme is part of a worldwide, World Health Organisation inspired movement which embraces the challenges and opportunities that our ageing population presents by facilitating local authorities to take the lead on changing thinking about ageing, and how services are planned and delivered.
The Waterford Age Friendly City Programme started a number of years ago with Waterford City and Council as the Lead Agency. Over the last number of years, a multi-agency Alliance was formed with a number of Older People representing their peers as well as representatives from the relevant Statutory, Community and Voluntary agencies across Waterford City and County.
During the visit, Minister Daly viewed all of the information stands and talked to the residents of John’s College while touring the impressive facilities on the campus.
During his speech Minister Daly stated:
“The development of this strategy demonstrates how different organisations and agencies can work together in partnership to deliver something great for their community. Multi-agency planning with public and stakeholder consultation is the most effective way we can deliver services and indeed solutions for our communities.”
According to Michael Walsh, Chairperson Waterford Age Alliance and Waterford City and County Council Chief Executive:
Tim Noone, HSE; Philip O’Reilly, Mayor Pat Nugent, Minister Jim Daly, Deputy Mary Butler, Mags Drohan, St Brigid’s Family Community Centre
“With regard to the aging demographic in Waterford, both in urban and rural areas, it is seen as imperative for everyone to begin the planning process to future proof and age proof any and all developments and services provided to the public. It is with this in mind that the Waterford Age Friendly Alliance has worked to develop this five year strategy document which will be implemented with immediate effect”
The John’s College choir concluded proceedings and added some festive cheer to the air.
About the Age Friendly Ireland Programme
As in all other countries in the world, the population of Ireland is ageing. To plan for this, in 2013 the Department of Health published the National Positive Ageing Strategy. The Strategy sets out a vision for an age-friendly society through the achievement of four national goals (participation, health, security and research). It recognises that all sectors of society – government, businesses, voluntary groups, service providers, local authorities and the general public – have a part to play in creating an age-friendly society.
The Strategy allocates lead responsibility for its Priority Action Areas to various Government Departments and agencies.
Posted: December 2017