Customer Service Team: Louise, Renee and Mark
Our Respond Customer Service Centre, based at our Head Office in Waterford, is is now up and running.
This is a very exciting new project for Respond and for the customer service team as the new centre will support all tenant, residents and colleagues across Ireland.
The Respond Customer Service Centre (CSC) hours of operation are from 08:30 – 18:00 Monday to Thursday and 08:30 – 17:00 on Friday the currently established numbers 051 840200 alternatively, email info@respond.ie
The role of the customer service centre is to deal with routine tenant requests and enquiries thus freeing up front-line staff to have more contact time with our residents on the estates and deal with the more complex issues that arise. The CSC will provide continuous service during business hours and a consistent level of service to all Respond tenants and callers.
Typically the Customer Service Centre will deal with and will aim to resolve 80% of the following at first point of contact:
- rent enquiries and requests such as replacement of payment card, requests for statements, queries on specific transactions, queries on how rent is calculated, entering income details on the system, arranging repayment agreements for low level arrears, sending out reminder letters for low level arrears
- arranging routine low-value reactive repairs, following up with contractors who have not attended tenant appointments, following up with contractors who have not completed works within the agreed timeframe
- responding to enquiries from housing applicants or potential applicants providing forms, information and support as required.
- subject to the appropriate consent being received from the resident providing statements to third parties confirming routine matters such as a tenant’s current rent, existence of tenancy, duration of tenancy etc.
In addition to resolving calls the CSC will also be responsible for:
- directing technical queries to the relevant staff member for resolution
- transferring calls to the relevant person where the tenant is already liaising with a Resident Support Worker/Rent Control Officer/Family Support Worker etc.
- recording and passing detailed messages for staff who are not contactable by phone
- accepting complaints and tasking to relevant staff members for investigation
- providing weekly reporting on activity to allow the business react to the changing requirements of our tenants.